Sunday, October 9, 2011


This morning I had my first E2 draw--results came back at 282! WHOA mama!! As I look back at my last cycle here my first estradiol draw was 81! Huge difference! This cycle is totally different! I don't really know what to expect--my expectations are set high and and hoping/praying that this is MY month! I will do another list view of this cycle to compare--because again lets face it,im def OCD when it comes to my "cycles".

**On a VERY happy side note, I went to the pharmacy friday to pick up my other 600unit follistem and the pharmacy said that it was 'covered' and that I didn't have to pay anything....ajjnfkajbjbakjfnajksgakg!!!! EEK! :) Can you believe it?! I wasn't stopping to ask questions I said "ok-thank you very much! Have a blessed day!" ;) And off I went with my FREE liquid gold!! How freaking lucky can you get?! I know all you ladies out there that have paid a bagillion(yes that is a my book!) dollars for follistem,totally understand the total shock and excitement in my fingers as Im typing this! :)


  1. That is awesome Tristan!!! Congrats! (on the E2 levels and the free meds!)

  2. Wow! That is incredible :) This post got me super excited - can't wait to see how this cycle goes for you!
