Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So today I hit huge, alittle bump in the road today when trying to fill my meds at the pharmacy. It closed at 7pm,my doctors office closes at 5pm. I was at the pharmacy at 3:30pm--and of course it hits the fan an hr and a half before they close. Seriously?! If something bad happens it ALWAYS happens to me and when my hubby is gone. He went camping this week...left sunday and won't be back until thursday night. I am SO lost without him when it comes to financial/business/freakouts situations. He's my rock and can calm me down within a matter of seconds!

Anyways--so I go to pick up my meds(my first shot is tonight..holy cow I hate doing them by myself! yikes-pray for me!) and the pharmicist says "ok that will be $687.32".....alksdhfroajnajksdfnakljhsgjnajsenfjnajean<---that is all I was thinking at that moment! OR in Josey's words...HFS! :) I immediately gave her a look like.."Are you talking to me?!" <insert-turning of head and total finger point to the chest> She again said "Yes,that will be $687.32"--now my eyes are the size of freaking softballs! **my insurance should be covering these meds**...SO then she says that I need a prior authorization and that could take up to 3 days.....HFS again--I have to start these meds in like 4hours lady! O if looks could kill--she would be 30 feet under. She said I had to call my *doctor* to get him to call the insurance company(yeah right lady--what dr do you know that will call an insurance company,I mean really?)..and tell them I need this med. She says calmly.."I guess your doctor didn't know you were taking this med".....ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??--every damn nurse in that office knows every women on a cycle you retard--my head is spinning at this point!! I call my DR's office and they said that they have never had to give a prior auth and that they shouldn't have to do one. GREAT--again if something can go bad it happens to me! Like seriously I work for the hospital that the pharmacy is in--I have my work insurance and the DR's office I use is a satellite office for the hospital I work for!!! HELLO PEOPLE LETS GET IT TOGETHER!! SO--to sum it up--DR's office calls me back and says that I have to pay for it first and then the insurance company will reimburse..a.k.a.---pay and then never see that money again!! So I told her I was NOT made of money and that I would only pay for 1 cartridge of follistem and that they better make sure that authorization comes in soon because that 1 cartridge is only going to last me 4 days TOPS!

**ok rant over!! :)
Now to more important things baseline ultrasound appointment!! :)
In one ovary I have 14 follies and the other I have 9...I say one and the other because the resident mixed up my ovaries and was pushing so freaking hard that I couldn't remember which is which--thanks! They are starting me on 100units for the next 4 days and then I go in on sunday for my estradiol to be checked! :) YAY for getting up early for no reason! :) lol.

**next part of my blog was to say that this one post on Tiffany's blog has been on my mind and I can totally relate to it. I posted on fb that "being infertile sucks"--whoa talk about getting traffic on my page! I love Tiffany's post about everything a "fertile" person says. I get told alot and I guess I was having a pitty party and just needed a reminder that Im not the only one dealing with this and that I just need to turn to my blogger friends who truly understand where Im coming from and the hurt/pain/sense of being less of a women that I feel!

If you are still here at the end of this you freaking rock and I love you :)


  1. Wow, I was stressed out just reading about what happened. Hopefully the paperwork comes through soon and your next dose will be covered. The most expensive bill I got for meds during this past IVF was $2,077! We got the $$ 2 weeks later. We just keep telling ourselves that we're raking in the travel points on our VISA LOL

    Awesome follicle count!!

  2. Oh wow, that is RIDICULOUS about your meds!!! I like how Amanda thinks about it though - we were doing the same thing with travel points on our Capital One!

    Great news about your baseline u/s!!!

  3. Whoa - talk about a scary situation! I would have reacted the exact same way!

    That's an awesome count - how exciting!
