I have been alittle MIA lately-I just have been so busy with daily blooddraws(yes daily!). I think I left off the last post at CD17. My levels have been rising VERY well! So well that they had to decrease my dose back down to 75units! (from CD17 and daily draws CD19 E2 went up to 2231!)
I got the call thursday afternoon(it about killed me waiting!) that I was to be triggered at 5pm that night and then scheduled for 8am on saturday morning for my IUI! (yay!!) I was SO nervous,anxious,name it-I thought it!!
Saturday morning we got up and had to be at the dr's office around 7:50am. We went in and Matt gave his sample. The lab tech said it would be about 40min so we went to starbucks for breakfast. Matt must have thought we won the lottery because we spent like $15 at starbucks--he got like 3 danishes and a venti drink! lol Bless his heart! :) (he was just excited for the day so he didn't know what to do!).
On the weekends there is NOBODY there! Today was no exception,it was matt,me,lab tech,check in girl and Dr. R! Talk about ghost town--it kinda made me feel alittle special that I was the only case for the day! :) Well they took me back and said that Dr.R would be in(dr.r is a female) shortly. She walked in and I immediately asked if everyone said their prayers before she came in and surprisingly she said"I sure did-I never go into a room and do an IUI and don't say a prayer!" :) How awesome is that?! Well she as finishes she says"Think pregnancy thoughts"-she didn't have to say that as I already was! ;) lol
I got home and went straight to bed and maybe got up once or twice until about 6pm~no joke! lol. I was NOT going to take any chances. I had some really bad cramping and was really bloated. I am still having the cramping and am really bloated! :( Everything is just so tender and I don't like it. (I wish these side effects would leave and come back in a week or so-to count them as "symptoms"). Im only 1 day in the 2week wait and I already cant stand the wait!! ugh!! Please let this go by alittle faster!
I hope it works out this cycle! I have such high hopes it will work! Next saturday(6/4) is my blooddraw to measure my progesterone level to ensure that I did in fact ovulate.
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