Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I feel like a human pin cushion

Thats how I feel these days. Let me start from the beginning. After our initial consult with Dr.B (1st RE we visited that is about 2hrs away);I was alittle concerned that *if* we had to do IUI or IVF I would have to travel several days a week,2hrs oneway. He was very nice~we had alittle hesitation with him as he *promised* he could get us pregnant by the end of the year"if we could afford it",and that I would lose 20 pounds in 2 months without even trying! That made me have alittle concern thought,who promises these things to a VERY hormonal,emotional women?! ANYWAYS,we decided to go to a RE here in our town about 20mins away. So lets call him Dr.wonderful! :) He was recommended to me from a friend that got pregnant and had a cute little baby boy and now she is pregnant with triplet boys!! Lets all pick up our jaws off the floor! lol.
We had our first appt on April 1st(go figure~im like if they pull a april fools joke and tell me im pregnant I will lose it!*more on this later);with Dr.Wonderful and it went great. I was SO laid back,in fact with my first RE appt with Dr.B I had everything,and I mean everything,mapped out-stack of questions-everything. Well this appt I had forgotten everything! I was a mess! Anyways they did just a few more vials of blood because Dr.B ran every other test under the sun-but forgot a few tests(44vials to be exact). Dr.Wonderful has a *slower is better* take on things,which is fine by me if that gets me the best results. I love the office~I actually work for this hospital so its definitely beneficial for me~also,did I mention I work on the mother/baby unit?! ;) yes infertiles be jealous--NOT! The only thing thats awesome is the fact that the residents that work with Dr.Wonderful also work with me on the floor *insert HUGE smile*.
OK--back to the pincushion...fastforward to Mothers Day(I know,I know,shoot me now <--this will be a whole entire post I will comment about later)...I was suppose to have AF visit me on May 3rd,well that came and went and no AF. May the 8th-aka Mothers Day, lo and behold AF decided to make an appearance. So starts CD1-woohoo!! Called Monday morning to get scheduled for an ultrasound. Went in at 12:45(hubby got to come-thankyouLord!). Ultrasound showed that my right ovary had 15 follies and left ovary had 8 follies. (Dr wonderful only wants 2-3eggs when they do the IUI). I asked him if my ovaries looked like "PCOS-ish ovaries"..YES! Welcome to the club for me! No cysts(again thankyouLord). So all is a go for starting my shots!
Dr.wonderful said because of my age and diagnosis,he wanted to start me on 75units of Follistem. So for the first 4 days I needed to dial up 75 and on day 5(sat morning)come in to get my blood drawn to check my estrogen. Estrogen came back at 83. YAY-nurse says that is a good number-remember they want me to go slow-so she says to keep at 75units for the next 2days and then come back on monday for bloodwork again. Estrogen came back 84. BOO-NOT what we wanted to hear! :( She said that now she can say that my body isnt responding to the lower dose so she said to start that night on 100units and come back on wed again for more bloodwork. *pray that things go better and my body starts responding to the meds*

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