Sunday, May 29, 2011

Over the weekend...and the dreaded TWW!

I have been alittle MIA lately-I just have been so busy with daily blooddraws(yes daily!). I think I left off the last post at CD17. My levels have been rising VERY well! So well that they had to decrease my dose back down to 75units! (from CD17 and daily draws CD19 E2 went up to 2231!)
I got the call thursday afternoon(it about killed me waiting!) that I was to be triggered at 5pm that night and then scheduled for 8am on saturday morning for my IUI! (yay!!) I was SO nervous,anxious,name it-I thought it!!
Saturday morning we got up and had to be at the dr's office around 7:50am. We went in and Matt gave his sample. The lab tech said it would be about 40min so we went to starbucks for breakfast. Matt must have thought we won the lottery because we spent like $15 at starbucks--he got like 3 danishes and a venti drink! lol Bless his heart! :) (he was just excited for the day so he didn't know what to do!).
On the weekends there is NOBODY there! Today was no exception,it was matt,me,lab tech,check in girl and Dr. R! Talk about ghost town--it kinda made me feel alittle special that I was the only case for the day! :) Well they took me back and said that Dr.R would be in(dr.r is a female) shortly. She walked in and I immediately asked if everyone said their prayers before she came in and surprisingly she said"I sure did-I never go into a room and do an IUI and don't say a prayer!" :) How awesome is that?! Well she as finishes she says"Think pregnancy thoughts"-she didn't have to say that as I already was! ;) lol
I got home and went straight to bed and maybe got up once or twice until about 6pm~no joke! lol. I was NOT going to take any chances. I had some really bad cramping and was really bloated. I am still having the cramping and am really bloated! :( Everything is just so tender and I don't like it. (I wish these side effects would leave and come back in a week or so-to count them as "symptoms"). Im only 1 day in the 2week wait and I already cant stand the wait!! ugh!! Please let this go by alittle faster!

I hope it works out this cycle! I have such high hopes it will work! Next saturday(6/4) is my blooddraw to measure my progesterone level to ensure that I did in fact ovulate.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


So when we left off last time my E2 came back as 140. Well the nurse said that this was for sure *my* dose (meaning 100units). So thats good that they were able to find the dose that my body will respond too;bad news is that just means more money next month!! :( O well-whatever it takes right?! So with all that said my E2 came back as 260!! Thats a great response!! :) I had an ultrasound friday morning and we got our first look at my little follies-they were so cute! :) My mom went with me because Matt had to work. The nurse had me write all the egg sizes~I felt like I was ordering prints(8x10,8x6)lol..but the good ones were 2 9.5mm and 2 8mm and then like 15 under 8mm.

So fast forward to today~had another bloodwork and ultrasound appointment! Ladies and Gents...we have a rockstar eggie! (*please Lord let this be our little baby we have been waiting for!!*)..She(because I want a girl-lol) is 14mm and on the left side! I guess when I was going for the ultrasound I never thought my left side would even work;when I had my HSG done he said there was some scar tissue on that tube and I just assumed because of that I wouldnt have any good eggs-I guess I was wrong!! Well we have another one on the right thats a good size too--11mm. :) Dr Wonderful says that once we get the E2 results then he will decide if I will have another ultrasound tomorrow and possibly trigger on tues and IUI on thursday! Wow this is really happening! Im so excited! I will update with E2 results later!! :)

**UPDATED: nurse just called and E2 is..wait for it...wait for it...681!!! :) yay!! Possible trigger tues night and then IUI on thursday!! eeek!! Matt has to work so pray he gets the day off!(and me too!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

E2 went up!!

Yes folks it went up! YAY! The nurse called yesterday and said that my estrogen went up to 140! I need to continue my same dosage (100). I am scheduled for bloodwork and ultrasound friday! Im SO excited~we will finally get to see if my follies are growing. But we only want 2-3 rockstar follies! :) I can't believe we are already at this point! I am trying to enjoy this cycle! We are really hoping this is the one and only cycle we have to do,but we understand if God thinks we need another cycle. I am really learning to count on God and know that he is in control. Its all about His plan! I just hope His plan is around the same time as *my* time! lol. I will update with complete measurements tomorrow!! PRAY,PRAY,PRAY! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In list view,because lets face it,im OCD.

OK: Just for my records (sorry boring post but just needed to see it incase this month doesnt work and I need to compare cycles)

CD1: 5/8-sunday
CD2: 5/9-ultrasound (confirmed PCOS ovaries); 15 follies on right ovary and 8 on left ovary
CD3: 5/10-begin follistem injections at 75units for the next 4 days then go in for bloodwork
CD6: 5/14-bloodwork draw-E2 at 83. Nurse says stay at 75units for 2days(great response)
CD8: 5/16-bloodwork draw-E2 at 84. (boo!). Nurse says body not responding-increase to 100units.
CD11: 5/18-bloodwork draw- E2 at 140.
CD13: 5/20-bloodwork draw-E2 at 260! (yay!)
         ---Ultrasound shows: 2 follies at 9.5mm and 2 at 8mm
CD15: 5/22-bloodwork draw-E2 at 681! (holy hormones have hit!)
         ---Ultrasound shows: left side 14mm(<--our little rockstar!) and right side a 11mm
CD17: 5/24-bloodwork draw-E2 at 1067(so good they decreased my dose to 75units)
         ---Ultrasound shows: left side 11mm(dont really know what happened to our rockstar-diff.dr so??) right side has a 13mm rockstar!
CD18: 5/25:bloodwork draw-E2 at 1773(continue on 75units tonight)
         ---Ultrasound shows: left side 14mm(our rockstar came back!!) right side has 15mm!!
CD19: 5/26: boodwork draw- E2 at 2231--trigger away at 5pm!!
         ---Ultrasound shows:left side 2 15.5mm follies and on the right side 18mm!(<--rockstar/hopefully future baby kimerling!)
CD21: 5/28: IUI at 8am! :)
CD28: 6/4: bloodwork draw: progesterone at "over 20"
CD33: 6/9: AF! :(

I feel like a human pin cushion

Thats how I feel these days. Let me start from the beginning. After our initial consult with Dr.B (1st RE we visited that is about 2hrs away);I was alittle concerned that *if* we had to do IUI or IVF I would have to travel several days a week,2hrs oneway. He was very nice~we had alittle hesitation with him as he *promised* he could get us pregnant by the end of the year"if we could afford it",and that I would lose 20 pounds in 2 months without even trying! That made me have alittle concern thought,who promises these things to a VERY hormonal,emotional women?! ANYWAYS,we decided to go to a RE here in our town about 20mins away. So lets call him Dr.wonderful! :) He was recommended to me from a friend that got pregnant and had a cute little baby boy and now she is pregnant with triplet boys!! Lets all pick up our jaws off the floor! lol.
We had our first appt on April 1st(go figure~im like if they pull a april fools joke and tell me im pregnant I will lose it!*more on this later);with Dr.Wonderful and it went great. I was SO laid back,in fact with my first RE appt with Dr.B I had everything,and I mean everything,mapped out-stack of questions-everything. Well this appt I had forgotten everything! I was a mess! Anyways they did just a few more vials of blood because Dr.B ran every other test under the sun-but forgot a few tests(44vials to be exact). Dr.Wonderful has a *slower is better* take on things,which is fine by me if that gets me the best results. I love the office~I actually work for this hospital so its definitely beneficial for me~also,did I mention I work on the mother/baby unit?! ;) yes infertiles be jealous--NOT! The only thing thats awesome is the fact that the residents that work with Dr.Wonderful also work with me on the floor *insert HUGE smile*.
OK--back to the pincushion...fastforward to Mothers Day(I know,I know,shoot me now <--this will be a whole entire post I will comment about later)...I was suppose to have AF visit me on May 3rd,well that came and went and no AF. May the 8th-aka Mothers Day, lo and behold AF decided to make an appearance. So starts CD1-woohoo!! Called Monday morning to get scheduled for an ultrasound. Went in at 12:45(hubby got to come-thankyouLord!). Ultrasound showed that my right ovary had 15 follies and left ovary had 8 follies. (Dr wonderful only wants 2-3eggs when they do the IUI). I asked him if my ovaries looked like "PCOS-ish ovaries"..YES! Welcome to the club for me! No cysts(again thankyouLord). So all is a go for starting my shots!
Dr.wonderful said because of my age and diagnosis,he wanted to start me on 75units of Follistem. So for the first 4 days I needed to dial up 75 and on day 5(sat morning)come in to get my blood drawn to check my estrogen. Estrogen came back at 83. YAY-nurse says that is a good number-remember they want me to go slow-so she says to keep at 75units for the next 2days and then come back on monday for bloodwork again. Estrogen came back 84. BOO-NOT what we wanted to hear! :( She said that now she can say that my body isnt responding to the lower dose so she said to start that night on 100units and come back on wed again for more bloodwork. *pray that things go better and my body starts responding to the meds*